Generally speaking a bride will have a minimum of 2 wedding dress fittings. Ocasionally more may be necessary dependant on the work that needs to be done.
First fitting: I assess what actually needs to be done to the gown and pin the alterations into place whilst talking you through what is happening.
You will be given your official quote at this fitting, but will not have to pay until the next time I see you.
Second Fitting: Payment is made at this appointment.The alterations have been tacked (not yet permanent) to check over the fit of what has already been done. Once everything is checked and both you, the bride, and I are happy, the alterations are then made permanent and the dress can be collected at a later date..
You will need to bring along the shoes that you'll be wearing with the dress, along with the petticoat and bra if you are planning on wearing them.
The very first appointment is always the longest, this is approx 1hour, for fuller dresses (more layers) it can be slightly longer -1 1/2 hours.
Between the first and second fitting can be between 2-3 weeks, between the second fittings and completion is approx 2-3 weeks. During the summer months this can be slightly longer due to peak season.
It is possible to have an express service if you are very pushed for time.